
Hi, welcome to my website. I am Dr Andelka M Phillips and this is my personal website. 

I am a writer and a legal academic and I have created this page primarily to make more of my work accessible.

If you are interested in issues raised by the personal genomics industry, please watch our recent video

If you are interested in the DTC industry, please see here for my most recent article published in Health Law Blog Sweden (23 January 2025).

You can access a recording of my webinar for the New Zealand Privacy Commissioner’s Privacy Week in 2024 here.

I am a Research Affiliate/ Associate at the University of Oxford’s Centre for Health, Law and Emerging Technologies (HeLEX) and also an Affiliate with the Bioethics Institute Ghent (BIG).

I am currently an Associate Editor for the Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand (JRSNZ).

I have most recently worked as Senior in Law, Science and Technology in the TC Beirne School of Law, University of Queensland. Prior to that I was a Senior Lecturer at Te Piringa – Faculty of Law, University of Waikato and before this, I was the Ussher Assistant Professor in Information Technology Law at Trinity College Dublin.

I am interested in many things, but my broad research interests are in: Technology and the Law, Privacy and Data Protection, as well as Cyber Security, Consumer Protection, Intellectual Property, and Medical Law.

Much of my recent research has dealt with the regulation of the personal genomics industry, including consideration of consumer protection and privacy issues in the context of genomic data. 

I am particularly interested in the governance of new, emerging, and future technologies and their impacts on people, the environment, and the planet.

My current and on-going research is centred around a variety of issues, including: the regulation of new, emerging, and disruptive technologies including developments in artificial intelligence, protection of privacy in the digital context, genetic privacy, consumer protection, wrap contracts, surveillance technologies, regulation of robotics, synthetic biology, cyber security, and responsible innovation. 

I am currently exploring issues related to the merging of cyber and physical worlds and also merging the work and home environments together with issues raised by secondary use of data, especially in the context of the Internet of Things.

I am also interested in the impacts of technologies on children and vulnerable people and protection of privacy in digital environments. My work also includes consideration of how privacy policies and online contracts could be improved from both privacy/data protection and consumer protection perspectives; together with consideration of issues raised by wrap contracts, surveillance technologies, artificial intelligence and regulation of robotics, synthetic biology, cyber security, and responsible innovation.

I am also participating in the CYDIPLO project, which explores ‘the emerging field of cyberdiplomacy, in the EU and with key strategic partners. Drawing on perspectives from computer science, political science, law, and behavioural science, it explores a variety of questions, including, how is cyberdiplomacy implemented at the state, non-state, regional and global levels across key issue areas?’ For more information see https://cyberdiplomacy.net

I am also on the Advisory Board for the ConnecteDNA project and also on the Ethics Advisory Board for the SEURO (Scaling EUROpean citizen driven transferable and transformative digital health) project.

I am also a member of the New Zealand Privacy Foundation and participated in the Technology in Legal Education New Zealand (TeLENZproject.

July 2021 – Purchasing Buying Your Self on the Internet: Wrap Contracts and Personal Genomics in New Zealand – if you are based in New Zealand and would like to purchase this, it is now available through Jason Books. This is the link to the paperback edition and this is the hardback.

17 April 2020 update:

I am pleased to announce that the electronic version of Buying Your Self on the Internet is now available through JSTOR – here is the link https://www.jstor.org/stable/10.3366/j.ctvnjbgvb

Brief overview:

My book entitled Buying Your Self on the Internet: Wrap Contracts and Personal Genomics has just been published Edinburgh University Press as the first volume in their Future Law series in July 2019. The book is available through Edinburgh University Press, Book Depository and Amazon UK. You can download a flyer with a discount code for ordering this book at the bottom of this page. 

I have also co-edited with Professor Jonathan Herring and Professor Thana C de Campos Philosophical Foundations of Medical Law which is a volume in Oxford University Press’ Philosophical Foundations of Law series. This was published on the 21st of November 2019. It is available as an ebook through Apple Books and Google Books. Google Books has a free preview available.

I am interested in a wide range of topics including: electronic contracts (wrap contracts), consumer protection, artificial intelligence and regulation of robotics, emerging technologies in healthcare (including wearables and implants), surveillance technologies, synthetic biology, cyber security, privacy and data protection, responsible innovation, and the regulation of emerging and disruptive technologies, especially developments in the Internet of Things and smart computing systems.

I am also particularly interested in governance of future spaces and the societal impact of new, emerging, and disruptive technologies.

 I was previously the Ussher Assistant Professor in Information Technology Law at Trinity College Dublin and the Convenor of Trinity College Dublin Law School’s Technology, Law and Society Research Group. I have also taught at the University of Oxford and the University of Auckland.

I completed my doctoral degree at the University of Oxford and my LLM(1st Class Honours) at the University of Auckland. While at Oxford, I convened the Oxford Medical Law and Ethics Discussion Group and the Oxford Privacy Information Law and Society Discussion Group. I was also the General Editor of the Oxford University Commonwealth Law Journal. See here for the latest issue of the journal.



Bioethics Institute Ghent profile

HeLEX Centre profile

